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This program focuses on helping students develop a systematic theology and represents a thorough overview of the Bible, biblical themes, history, hermeneutics, etc. Each course earns credits which can be applied to either an Associate of Theology degree or a certificate program.  

Associate of Theology Program

The Associate of Theology program is designed to begin the process toward a better comprehension of biblical doctrine in the pattern of a systematic theology. In this program you will explore the structure and history of the Bible and biblical texts, fundamental doctrines of the New Testament Church, an overview history and comparison of Christian sects, a concise survey of the life of Christ, an outline view of Church history, a timeline overview of the entire chronology of the Bible, a study of the geography of the Promised Land, and a general survey of biblical lands and nations.


In total, you will be required to satisfactorily complete all assignments, exams, and finals showing a mastery of the subject matter of the following 22 courses:

  • Bible 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 

  • Doctrine 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

  • Comparative Religion 1 & 2 

  • Introduction to Textual Criticism 

  • Survey of Biblical Lands & Peoples

  • Church History 1, 2, 3, & 4

  • Geography of the Promised Land

  • Bible Chronology 1 & 2 

  • Life of Christ

Going Forward ... 

IAI is proceeding through a five-year restructuring and curriculum development master plan which began in Spring 2023. Further Theology degree programs are planned for the future. Please see the programs below and our estimated launch dates: 

Bachelor of Theology â€‹

  • Spring 2025 or earlier


Master of Theology 

  • Spring 2026 or earlier


Doctor of Theology

  • Spring 2027 or earlier

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